Billy Elliot Videos
Intrigued to see how miners and ballet have been woven into a dazzling musical? Are you a fan of the film who is curious to see how it translates to the stage? Have a look at the Billy Elliot videos from the stage production below to get an idea of how the London production works and for a taster of the spectacle of the show on the stage.
This is the most recent official trailer for Billy Elliot at the Victoria Palace Theatre, and gives a brief insight into the energy of the show in addition to showing some of the ways in which it has been described by musical critics since its debut. Make sure to watch this video to see Billy Elliot London summarised in 30 seconds on film!
For a more in-depth look at the stage production, this slightly older trailer includes a wider range of song snippets from the musical. Here you can see performances from the miners and their families as well as Billy and Mrs. Wilkinson, as well as some of the dazzling choreography and stage effects that have given the show its reputation. If you are considering buying a ticket for Billy Elliot, this video will help to tempt you over the edge!
The role of Billy in the stage musical was originally played by Liam Mower, who received a fantastic reception for his performance. This video shows him on Children in Need singing what is probably the show’s signature number, Electricity, which was inspired by the dialogue from the film and composed by pop superstar Elton John. You can also get a sense of the magic of the ballet routines within the show with an extended piece of choreography danced by Liam, and there is a short interview at the end of the video.
Billy Elliot the Musical reached its five year anniversary in 2010, celebrating with a performance from all the Billys past and present. This clip from news programme London Tonight interviews the first ever Billy, Liam Mower, and the child performer who was portraying Billy at the time of the anniversary, Rhys Kosakowski, about what it is like to appear in such a successful musical and why they think that the show has had such an impact over the years.
Billy Elliot Tickets
Official Billy Elliot tickets.
Billy’s 7th Birthday
Billy Extends until December 2013
An Interview with the Latest Billy, Kaine Ward
Billy Elliot Director Picks Up Award in Palm Springs
Dreams Come True for Former Billy Elliot Star
Billy Elliot to Close on Broadway
Seeing Billy Elliot With Children and Teenagers
Billy All Grown-Up: Where is Jamie Bell Now?
Elton John: The Musical Man
From Screen to Stage: Differences Between the Film and Musical
BillyElliotLondon.org is an unofficial guide to the show. See Billy Elliot at the Victoria Palace Theatre, Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5EA
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